YAC helps youth achieve education and career goals and break the cycle of homelessness

Low levels of education are linked to youth homelessness:

Young adults without a high school diploma or GED are 4.5X more likely to experience homelessness
Youth experiencing homelessness are 1/3 less likely to be enrolled in four-year college

“In order to more effectively prevent and eventually end youth homelessness, we must ensure that homelessness and education systems are working together to improve outcomes for young people.”  

– Bryan Samuels, director of Chapin Hall, University of Chicago

• Vocational Assessments – career and education pathways suited to skills and interests

• Research and referrals to job training and career development programs

Prepare resumes, search and apply for jobs, practice job interviews, and tips for job success.

Assist with GED, High School Diploma, trade schools, and Continuing Education career pathways

Sign up for college, complete FAFSA, and connect to college resources.

Homework help and tutoring – middle school, high school, GED, and community and 4-year colleges.

Multi-lingual tutors in Spanish, English, and more.